Larry Troxler wrote:
A while ago, I was working on a modification to the fluid~ object which would allow multiple fluid~ instances to share soundfont images, rather than having to load multiple copies. My personal reason for this was that I have a large piano soundfont, and I was thinking of post-processing each individual note seperately, and one way of doing this would be to employ multiple fluid~'s and have a routing mechanism (like poly) in front of them.
I ran into a roadblock in the fluid API in the course of developing this, but now the fluid API has been enhanced to allow this.
I hadn't heard of Frank's fluid~ external until now. I ran to the Linux box to download and install it. I'm running pd-0.37.1 freshly compiled from Gentoo portage on an Athlon-XP. PD is running with no other external libraries and in jack mode. I run the fluid~ binary with DSP off...loads fine. I load a 200MB soundfount. Loads fine. I turn DSP on...
I install flext from the sourceforge external collection and compile fluid~ myself. I run the freshly compiled version and...
I check my fluidsynth version. 1.0.1, looks like there's an update to 1.0.3. I install the update and recompile fluid~. I run fluid~ the same as before and...
running out of ideas. I'm a beginning C coder and a friend told me about strace for C debugging. I run strace on pd the same as above. Looks like it kills itself at this system call:
recv(4, "pd dsp 1 ;", 815, 0) = 10 ... GUI timing events send(4, "set pd_whichapi 5\n", 18, 0) = 18 ...GUI timing events send(4, "pdtk_pd_dsp ON\n", 15, 0) = 15 ...many more GUI timing events --- SIGSEGV (Segmentation fault) @ 0 (0) --- +++ killed by SIGSEGV +++
Frank and Larry, what system are you running/developing fluid~ on? You work around any problems to get it stable? I'd like to help debug this in any way I can because this would bring my entire live set up together into a PD patch.
Here's my detailed specs for the uber-curious: Athlon-XP 2200 1GB RAM Gentoo Linux (default-x86-1.4, gcc-3.3.2, glibc-2.3.2-r9, 2.4.23-ck1) Pd version 0.37.1 compiled 13:18:01 Jun 27 2004 fluidsynth 1.0.3 flext from pd-externals-20030311 jack-audio-connection-kit-0.98.1