hi daniel, hi list...
As an example, if I have 3 one-second arrays on screen being redrawn every 500 ms, there is no noticeable glitching etc - but for 3 10-second arrays, there's a very clear interruption in the audio-stream when the redraws occur. So perhaps there would be some way to modify the array-drawing code to skip samples in the drawing process and only the minimum required to display the data?
there should be no problem to find an apropriate algorithm to improve the array drawing... but someone would have to do it ... therefor it would be needed to set up a todo list and to assign certain tasks to certain developers ...
as hcs wrote a short time ago, pd development is kind of "coordinated
there are some of these "nearly-bugs" in pd that should be solved (and not only by a workaround) ... probably it would be useful to install and use a bugtracker system (maybe the bugtracker on sourceforge), but it would have to be _used_ to be useful...
cheers... tim