Yup, that's a bug that I think has been discussed on the pd-dev list.
I suppose it should be filed in the bug tracker:
http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php? func=detail&aid=1221673&group_id=55736&atid=478070
On Jun 15, 2005, at 8:21 PM, vade wrote:
Another issue Ive had for a while, is if you have GEM added to your
startup preferences, double clicking a file to launch PD causes the
file to be read in before GEM has loaded, giving you error messages
saying it cant find the objects. Closing the patch and re-opening
works fine...:)
10.4.1 Powerbook, PD-0.38-4-extended-RC 1.app
:::: rectangle 4 3 ... couldn't create gemwin ... couldn't create pix_filmYUV ... couldn't create alpha ... couldn't create pix_texture ... couldn't create color ... couldn't create translateXYZ ... couldn't create rectangle 4 3 ... couldn't create pix_filmYUV ... couldn't create pix_texture ... couldn't create gemhead 50 ... couldn't create gemhead 51 ... couldn't create color ... couldn't create translateXYZ ... couldn't create alpha ... couldn't create GEM: Graphics Environment for Multimedia GEM: ver: 0.90 GEM: compiled: Apr 13 2005 GEM: maintained by IOhannes m zmoelnig GEM: Authors : Mark Danks (original version on irix/windows) GEM: Chris Clepper (macOS-X) GEM: Daniel Heckenberg (windows) GEM: James Tittle (macOS-X) GEM: IOhannes m zmoelnig (linux/windows)
Man has survived hitherto because he was too ignorant to know how to
realize his wishes.
Now that he can realize them, he must either change them, or perish.
-William Carlos