Try using two arrays, one for the data, one for a timestamp. The two pieces of data would be associated based on a common array index. Then you can use the [textfile] object to store the data, in a form like "$data $timestamp;" on each line. Thus, each line of the textfile corresponds to an index of the array. There are some timer objects in PD to get a timestamp - you may or may not want to quantize this. If you wish to capture note events, you may need a more complicated scheme, such as: array 1: velocity, array 2: note#, array 3: timestamp.
In this scheme, you are limited in the number of total events, but not in the length of time a loop can be.
Note that PD doesn't know where a "1" is, so you will have to develop a custom timing scheme to represent loops and metred time. The standard 96 ppq timing is fairly simple to implement, depending on what resolution you need.
On 9/11/06, greg wrote:
Hello I have two questions: what are some strategies for capturing specific live pd data into pd to reuse it later? I'm sort of visualizing something like a buffer of some arbitrary length of time provided by the user, then perhaps "on the one" you could re-trigger and / or save this loop. also: What are ways to load store and play non-audio loop data? ideally this could work from small one-off files similar to audio loops. Sorry if this is an RTFM question, but the pd universe is vast and maybe someone has done this before. mailing list UNSUBSCRIBE and account-management ->