hey list,
I'm new to the list so i know i'll ask some very basic questions
so i apologize. I really want to get to know pd and hopefully make
some nice real time midi manipulation patches, and audio manip.
patches. My first problem involves the Rradical abstractions. I've
installed the Pd-0.38.4-extended-RC2, so i could be up a running with
GEM, osc, zexy, and all the externals, and abstractions. However,
whenever i try to load a Rradical patch i get this error
commun /volume $0 ... couldn't create originator /mypatch $0 ... couldn't create careGUI ... couldn't create error: inlet: expected '' but got 'float' ... you might be able to track this down from the Find menu.
Then when the patch shows up in a window if i move a slider or something i get
: expected '' but got 'float' error: inlet: expected '' but got 'float' error: inlet: expected '' but got 'float' error: inlet: expected '' but got 'float'
How might i fix this. I follow the "extended" instructions (ie. copy the org.puredata.pd.plist to the user preferences folder ) By the way i use OSX 10.3.9. I've also installed TclTkAguaBI 8.4.10, what am i not doing. I can't seem to get up and running with abstractions or externals. Allthough the tutorial patches all work fine. Also, how might i upgrade to Pd 0.39.1 without losing all the stuff the pd extended version has made available to me.
any help would be much appreciated,