the short question: what would be the least resource intense method to display a 10min Countdown? (need to listen to a trigger on netreceive)
the long version :
I am running pd and GEM on a RPi 3B+ i display a countdown with GEM and some “text2d” objects on 1920x1080 The RPi CPU meter says that it uses 24%, the RPi temperature is at around 65 degree.
as the thing should run 24/7 in an exhibition i am a bit concerned regarding the temperature.
i was trying to bring down the cpu load, yet without success.
1.) i was using pix_image to display a new jpeg every second …. this used >90% cpu. obviously it is difficult for pd or the rpi do disply jpegs ?
2.) so back to openGL: i don/t understand why the cpu load doubles if the gemwin window is in foreground? (as opposed to when the patcher window is in foreground…)
cheers & Thanks!!! Michael