"[L] matthias tarasiewicz" wrote:
how do i use multiple channels out of pd -- i am planning to use 2 or 3 soundcards and wanted to know if it is possible to use the different dsps out of pd ... (linux) any other ideas of using multichannel?
Sorry, this is not exactly an answer to your question: in fact it's another related question.
I seem to remember there is some experience among members of this list of the RME soundcards under Linux, and using them with PD.
Has anyone successfully achieved multichannel i/o using an RME card and PD (Linux)? It seems to me one of the RME cards is probably the best way to go, in terms of h/ware spec and driver support, but if anyone has other ideas....
At the University of Glasgow here we are interested in setting up a Pd box to do some sound spatialisation stuff. If anyone has any info or experience in this area, I'd be interested to share ideas/problems as we'd really like to get this going quickly.