if someone can overlook each contribution so no one is writing documentation someone has already written, or even to post progess on the Pdwiki so people know whats been done therefore people can look through it and decide what needs doing, personally I would love it if someone would write a few chapters on using Gem.
The Csound Book is kinda done this way with a different contributor for each chapter and it works really well
--- jfm3 jfm3@ouroboros-complex.org wrote: > I "ported" the documentation to SGML a a while ago.
If you're all interested, let me know and I'll dig it out again.
On Wed, 2002-05-15 at 19:35, martin wrote:
I am of the opinion that HTML output for pd
documentation if highly
desirable. However, I would stress that HTML is
probably not the best format
to actually author and maintain such
Which raises the point: does anyone have any
experience, or good pointers to
existing documentation projects (for other
subjects), documentation
maintainence, and documentation formats (such as
DocBook and SGML)?
- martin
p.s.: I would suggest that the documentation
should be HTML format (rather
than pdf, ps, etc.) because:
- everybody with a web browser can participate
in development of such a
document. 2. everybody with a web browser can access the
- the documentation can provide downloadable
- etc. etc.
-- (jfm3)
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