inspired by yves degoyon's playlist and due to the fact that this fine object is not yet ported to windows, i tried to make a similar thing with objects already existing within windows PD.
hoping for some brave souls to test this and/or find it useful comments and bug reports and new ideas are highly appreciated
interesting... maybe some day i will have enough extras installed to try yur browser out,,,an interesting exercise to say teh least but i cant imagine you got into pd with the intention of building file browsers!...
.with the exception of having to sidescroll a bit too often in the left tree-view, imo theres nothing like explorer.exe, except maybe mac os <=8.6 & Greg's Browser, so why not use it. check out the "dropper" object when impd is stable again, my idea being you might use whichever browser you prefer on either windows or linux (not sure tkdnd supports mac os, aka the OS that made drag'n'drop famous, just yet..). youll get a symbol of the file(s) or folder to do whatever with..
as for path/folder manipulations you might find the windows shell external useful as well. i tried porting guenters but ended up making one from scratch so i cant say it behaves the get a symbol of each line which is nice for names w/ spaces etc, so use an 'atoi' on your wc -l... . it uses cmd.exe but sometimes DOS has its internal things like 'find' that override stuff in your mingw/cygwin/SFU bin path, so prefix with bash -c in those cases to be safe..
as for the backslash, sed luckily lets you put the expressions in a file, havent had a need for \s outside of sed anyways but proper text handling would be welcomed of course...