hello all,
Wow, this opens a big can of worms in my mind.
For instance, I'm currently working on a PD patch that writes numerous sound files to the hard drive (each file name is created via a counter: i.e. 1.wav, 2.wav, 3.wav etc.)
When I close and reopen the patch, I'd sure like to be able to look on the hard drive for the most recent file, then begin where I left off. Example, if "159.wav" was the last file written to the drive, then this new session would start at "160.wav".
As it is now, I've considered logging the filenames in a text file via [textfile] or [qlist], then open the log each time PD opens. If I could bypass this step, then my life would be a "little" simpler.
Hello all,
See, I've been thinking for some time that it would be VERY handy if PD had an object available that would allow PD to respond with information about the file system. MAX has some objects for this purpose, like;
[absolutepath] [filedate] [filein] [filepath] [relativepath]
I'm not certain that those objects would suffice, but I think they're definately a move in the right direction.
I'm very comfortable with the VBScript objects for manipulating files and I've cppied the various methods of the "FileSystemObject" below. (cut-n-pasted from www.devguru.com below). The basic gyst of it is this simple. There is a file system object which will return collections (as arrays) of drives, folders, files. Each collection has certain properties, such as "count" and "size" and "name"...then each element in the collections has more properties: such as "date", "size", "type", "name", etc.
Drives Property Returns a Drives collection consisting of all the Drive objects on a computer.
Syntax: [drvcollection = ] object.Drives
BuildPath Method This method is used to append a name onto an existing path.
[newfullpath = ]object.BuildPath(path, name)
CopyFile Method This method allows us to copy one or more files from one location (the source) to another (destination).
Syntax: object.CopyFile source, destination [, overwrite]
CopyFolder Method Copies one or more folders and all contents, including files and subfolders, from one location to another.
Syntax: object.CopyFolder source, destination, [, overwrite]
CreateFolder Method This method allows us to create a folder.
Syntax: object.CreateFolderfoldername
CreateTextFile Method Creates a text file and returns a TextStreamObject that can then be used to write to and read from the file.
Syntax: object.CreateTextFile filename [, overwrite[, unicode]]
DeleteFile Method This method deletes a specified file or files (using wilcards).
Syntax: object.DeleteFile file [, force]
DeleteFolder Method This method deletes a specified folder, including all files and subfolders.
Syntax: object.DeleteFolder folder [, force]
DriveExists Method This method lets us check if a specified drive exists. It returns True if the drive does exist and False if it doesn't.
Syntax: object.DriveExists(drive)
FileExists Method Lets us check whether a specified file exists. Returns True if the file does exist and False otherwise.
Syntax: object.FileExists(file)
FolderExists Method Allows us to check if a specified folder exists. Returns True if the folder does exist and False if it doesn't.
Syntax: object.FolderExists(folder)
GetAbsolutePathName Method This method gets the complete path from the root of the drive for the specified path string.
Syntax: object.GetAbsolutePathName(path)
GetBaseName Method This method gets the base name of the file or folder in a specified path.
Syntax: object.GetBaseName(path)
GetDrive Method This method returns a Drive object corresponding to the drive in a supplied path.
Syntax: object.GetDrive(drive)
GetDriveName Method This method gets a string containing the name of the drive in a supplied path.
Syntax: object.GetDriveName(path)
GetExtensionName Method Used to return a string containing the extension name of the last component in a supplied path.
Syntax: object.GetExtensionName(path)
GetFile Method Returns the File object for the specified file name.
Syntax: object.GetFile(filename)
GetFileName Method This method is used to return the name of the last file or folder of the supplied path.
Syntax: object.GetFileName(path)
GetFileVersion Method This method is used to return the version of the file in the specified path.
Syntax: object.GetFileVersion(path)
GetFolder Method This method returns a Folder object fo the folder specified in the folder parameter.
Syntax: object.GetFolder(folder)
GetParentFolderName Method Returns a string containing the name of the parent folder of the last file or folder in a specified path.
Syntax: object.GetParentFolderName(path)
GetSpecialFolder Method Returns the path to one of the special folders - \Windows, \System or \TMP.
Syntax: object.GetSpecialFolder(folder)
GetTempName Method This method is used to generate a random filename for a temporary file..
Syntax: object.GetTempName
MoveFile Method Moves one or more files from one location to another.
Syntax: object.MoveFile source, destination
MoveFolder Method Moves one or more folders from one location to another.
Syntax: object.MoveFolder source, destination
OpenTextFile Method Opens the file specified in the filename parameter and returns an instance of the TextStreamObject for that file.
regards, Dave Sabine
----- Original Message ----- From: "David McCallum" 8dngm@qlink.queensu.ca To: pd-list@iem.kug.ac.at Sent: Thursday, November 07, 2002 7:05 PM Subject: [PD] abstraction's knowledge of parent's path
Is there any way for an abstraction to know the path of its
parent? Like if the abstraction wanted to save a file in its parent's
. . David McCallum . Music wants to be free . http://mentalfloss.ca/sintheta/ .
PD-list mailing list PD-list@iem.kug.ac.at http://iem.kug.ac.at/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/pd-list