Frank Barknecht a écrit :
Hallo, james tittle hat gesagt: // james tittle wrote:
...can't wait for katamari 2, I bet :-) I'm wasting time with a neat psp...oh yeah: the question...
Grr, can't afford a PSP currently... ;)
could anybody maybe test attached patch? It leads to a segfault on my machine and I'd like to find out, why or ow to work around this. [any]
from IEM is required.
...oddly enuff, it's not crashing for me on osx, at least when run in gdb (haven't tried a normal run)...looking at it, I'm not really sure what you want to do (outside of have randomly xy-placed colored squares)? Are you trying to put 500 squares on screen per frame? Or something else...?
It's just a test patch stripped to the bones, nothing really useful. Basically I'm trying to understand how [seperator] works for creating lots of objects of the same kind using just lists as input. I got this idea from the example patches in CVS at externals/numsk/msd2D etc.
There Nicolas Montgermont is using a similar approach. However he is actually not using a metro, but [gemhead] to drive the gemchain in [pd ups].
yes, and i think it's the main difference that make your patch also crashing on my computer.
i first experiment this technic for the L-system generation. using the gemhead for the list generation look logic to sincronise the list generation to the openGL rendering. using an external metro looks strange : it allow you to try drawing primitives out of gem timing.
your patch works perfectly if you replace the metro with a gemhead...
hope that help. cyrille