Hi all,
I posted earlier this week about trying to capture using a Matrox X100 capture card with Gem 0.90.1 and Windows 2000. I've figured out that it sort of works using the analog input to the capture card.
However, when I open the gemwin (I don't even have to start rendering) PD slows down to the point where it takes as much as a minute to repond to my input. The CPU load meter jumps up to above 600, and in about 5 minutes PD crashes without a message.
I've used GEM (.87, w/ pd 0.36) with a video input on this computer before with no problems, so this is odd. It has dual P4 3.0 GHz processors, so it shouldn't have a problem there--this patch runs smoothly on a single P4 3.2G. The video card is a Radeon 9800, so /that/ shouldn't be a problem..
Any ideas what could be causing this, or what I could do to fix it?
Thanks, Ian