pd binary needs msvcr71.dll to load gem certainly because it has been compiled with visual studio, it's funny because when it was about using cygwin to compile things, we stopped because we had to add cygwin-1.dll...
anyway just copy and paste msvcr71.dll to your vanilla bin dir and it should be able to load gem dll unless it mlisses other dll's, we never know :o) or put this dll to your windows/system32 folder, to share it with both versions, but personaly I don't like to put things in this folder, because it sometimes create problems in other applications.
I also don't use libdir, I really find it complicated, conflictual, and useless, you just need to put the external folder name before external name like this:
[flatspace/prepend] or [cyclone/prepend] or [cxc/cxc_prepend]or [iemlib/iem_prepend]
that's why I also never use abstractions that use externals without namespace, or that use externals at all, unless the abstraction is packaged with the external itself, like in gridflow for example, or unless the external is in extra folder.
----- "Billy Stiltner" billy.stiltner@gmail.com a écrit :
Hey When I only try to load libdir I get I do get an error at start up saying libdir: can't load library.
When I try to load Gem I get a dialog about missing msvcr71.dll then
libdir: can't load library C:\audio\pd-0.43-0\pd\extra\Gem\Gem.dll: couldn't load Gem: can't load library
The version of gem I'm using is the one that comes with pd 0.42.5 extended.
I just copied the directory to the vanilla ext directory.
A strange thing is now when I run pd vanilla 0.42.5 I get the same error. Maybe I should use the Gem that is in the 0.42.5 vanilla ext directory?
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