On Mon, 2 Oct 2000, [ISO-8859-1] _-�-_ wrote:
|On another topic, I've noticed that at least 5 people are interested in using |Pd with alternative front ends... I'm working now on command-line options |to make this easier; I hope to put a "test" version (Linux only) out within a |week. Oh yes, new "data" stuff too...
while on frontends, how about running pd + pd-gui on two different machines=? so that you can start pd -nogui bla.pd on for example remote machine, later connect to it comme ./mypdfrontend -host remote.machine.com .. when you quit the frontend, the barebones pd just remians runnign, much like vnc (http://www.uk.research.att.com/vnc/) works .. the tk interface already does (some of its) communication via local network with the pd-backend ?
Using the gui and pd on separate machines should be fairly easy - all of the communication between the two is via standard tcp sockets.