Though this may be useful to the group. Here's my original mail with a reply from Mark Hi
I recently downloaded the vst~ object for PD which is great. I am hoping to use it with Reaktor to free me from the constraints of the Cubase piano roll type method of sequencing. Reaktor is running fine with the vst~ object.
I have a small problem which seems insurmountable but which I am sure has a simple solution. I want to send a variable control message for adjust the Reaktor params, for example sweeping controller 1 from 0 to 127 to gradually open a filter, or some random variation on this. The only way to send this type of command to the vst~ object is by sending a message? This is where the problem starts - How do I send the message "ctrlchange 1 n" where n is going to change value? I have looked at 'qlist' and 'textfile' and 'pack' but they don't seem to offer a solution. The only work around I can see is to have a long list of bang messages each containing their own complete control message with a different control value and then indexing them through some kind of pointer. I am sure it has to be easier than this.
Thanks in advance for any help you can give me.
You probably want to ask this question on the list.
The way you describe it is the way I would do it. See the attached patch for an example. You can then use something like textfile to squirt value/controller pairs into the message I guess or even use "line" to ramp values up and down against a given controller.
There may well be better ways of doing it - I am not a particularly expert PD patcher by any means. Like you I use it to free myself f rom the constraints of Cubase style tools but I have got a lot to learn.
Glad you find the object useful though
The solution is to have a message that accepts inputs via the $ symbol. I can send you the demo patch from Mark if interested.