Hi List, I'm nearly finished with a gui tab for the Pd preferences dialog I'm working on.
Question: I (currently) have three notebook (tab) panes in the dialog: one for Audio, one for Midi and one for GUI. For GNU/Linux (and probably Windows) I have a "Close" button at the bottom right of the window, below the tabs. To the bottom left I have a "Help" button.
I would like the "Help" button to bring up a patch that explains what the various settings in the dialog do. Should it just be one patch that is a catchall for all three panes (audio, midi, gui) or should it bring up a specific patch that's dependent on which notebook tab happens to be open before "Help" was clicked?
I have a feeling it should be dependent on the specific tab that's open. (Not sure if that conforms to the Apple HIG but it's the way Firefox does it.)