Hi Derek, hi all, i've been following a similar discussion on the Max/MSP for Windows list, where Cycling also modified their externals in an appropriate way.
There are some points to keep in mind:
#ifdef excluding the relevant code for OSX build
frequently happen. I'd find it better to introduce an additional external object (like bitsafe in max) which can correct the signal for more occasional denormal situations.
not ideal because of branching. There are some more approaches to the problem, including "quantification"... have a look at the excellent article by Laurent de Soras: http://ldesoras.free.fr/doc/articles/denormal.pdf
greetings, Thomas
----- Original Message ----- From: "derek holzer" derek@x-i.net To: mpuckett@man104-1.ucsd.edu Cc: PD-list@iem.kug.ac.at Sent: Friday, September 19, 2003 11:32 AM Subject: [PD] denormalized numbers bugfix in PD
I'd like to ask for a source code change to deal with denormalized numbers in PD. Inquiries on the PD list have shown that I am not the only one who has found his or her CPU spiking up over 100% whenever any sound in the patch becomes very small, both under Linux and Windows. The problem gets extremely bad when dealing with decaying sounds, such as reverb tails and feedback delays. I have noticed that denormalized numbers are a much more serious problem under Linux, particularly when using a P4 processor, although the problem is not limited to this specific processor.
Research on the web has informed me that hardware manufacturers have no inclination to fix this problem, so the solution must be handled on the software level. Olaf Matthes proposed the following changes to the source code, which should be implemented in both the PD code itself, as well as any in external which might produce denormals:
A fix in terms of changing the source code is to add the following:
#define undenormalise(sample) if(((*(unsigned int*)&sample)&0x7f800000)==0) sample=0.0
and add
wherever a calculation might have produced very small values (replace 'myfloatvalue' with the variable that stores the float). There are many many places in the Pd sources (and in every external) where this happens.
Could you please consider implementing this, or a similar bugfix, in a future release of PD?
Thanks for your hard work so far, Derek
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