On 02/16/12 16:46, Pagano, Patrick wrote:
Hi and thanks We are listening for tcp in max i get the lines read as LaserOutput: [[[2705,246]],[[1358,402]]]
and in pd using mrpeach's tcpclient it reads back 91 91 91 50 54 54 49 44 50 56 54 93 93 44 91 91 49 51 54 53 44 52 49 56 93 93 93 13 10
i of course want to strip off the brackets and close brackets and just get to the numbers inside the strings is this possible? Can i convert the bytes to characters/numbers?
moocow's "pdstring" library might come in handy.
you could also try to do something like this:
[tcpclient 7777] | [list append 59 10] | [list prepend send] | [list trim] | [udpsend]<-[connect localhost 7777(
[netreceive 7777] | [print]
though you will have to deal with semicolons separately....
as for splitting strings, have a look at zexy's [symbol2list]
fgmasdr IOhannes