Hello everybody, I dont know if it the same kind of error I got as David,but when I tried to compile fluid on OSX I got the below error. I have compiled Flext and also fluidsynth, before I tried to compile fluid.
thanks in advance.
g++ -c -O3 -DPD -I/Users/mlab/pd/src/ -I/usr/local/lib/pd/flext/../src -I/usr/local/lib/pd/flext fluid/main.cpp -o pd-darwin/fluid.o g++ -bundle -bundle_loader /Users/mlab/pd/bin/pd -flat_namespace pd-darwin/fluid.o /usr/local/lib/pd/flext/flext.a -lm -lfluidsynth -o pd-darwin/fluid.pd_darwin ld: Undefined symbols: _vScopy _vadd _vmul _vsmul make: *** [pd-darwin/fluid.pd_darwin] Error 1 rm pd-darwin/fluid.o
M.Koray Tahiroglu DA student/researcher Media Lab, University of Art and Design Helsinki, TaiK Hameentie 135C 00560 Helsinki Finland http://mlab.uiah.fi/~korayt/ tel: +358 40 754 8449 fax: +358 9 75630 555