On Sun, 6 Oct 2002, Yves Degoyon wrote:
Now back to the shadow patch: Personally I *hate* shadows, but I like different colors: is there a shadowless shadow patch, a "color only patch"?
about what's been said in that thread :
- grid object v0.3 wasn't buggy at all with a regular pd distribution
- it's only the shadow patch which introduced the incompatibility
- the patched version introduced new rules for gui objects
- these rules were not and are still not set clearly
- some other gui objects might have the same problem
- if you don't get this, you know nothing of versionning/bug-tracking
- i really don't care about that patch, there are much more important
things to do
Thats more than true. Again, sorry for trying to promote CVS with this concrete case.
There are more important things to do than the shadow patch, and I have expressed what I think they are.
What are the more important things for you ? And how do you think they could be done ? by whom ?