That sounds very interesting!
I'm on windows and the only version I can find is a version 0.1 which seems to be an uncompiled linux version or something. Is there a windows-version out there?
Cheers! Thomas :)
chris clepper wrote:
partconv~ is a convolution reverb like Altiverb. Load any soundfile Impulses in .wav format and enjoy. It is a little CPU heavy but I did tweak it for G4 and G5 CPUs if you have one of those.
On 10/13/07, *Thomas Jeppesen* <> wrote:
Hi all, I'm looking for good sounding reverb patches. Hopefully some that are more complex and better sounding than the one distributed with PD. So are there anyone out there experimenting with reverb-algorithms in pd? And are you willing to share your patches? Cheers! Thomas :) _______________________________________________ <> mailing list UNSUBSCRIBE and account-management ->