On 2018-09-05 12:26, Csaba Láng wrote:
Dear list, I am using high speed cameras with 200fps. Is there any hard coded limitation in Gem which determines maximum fps?
or [frame 200( to [gemwin] is enough?
I tried [metro 5] to [gemhead] too, but need a proof that it goes 200fps. Does any of you have a patch which could measure the fps in gemwin?
measure the time between two render-ticks with [realtime].
anyhow: the problem you are facing is, that Gem uses openGL to render to the [gemwin]. depending on the driver and your driver settings, the openGL render buffer might only be swapped while the screen is being blanked ("sync-to-vblank"), to avoid tearing. if this is enabled, this means that for each render-tick, Gem (well, rather the underlying openGL engine) will wait for a vblank until the render-tick can be executed. the vblank happens whenever the screen is refreshed. if your screen has a refresh-rate of 97Hz, then the effective (maximum) frame-rate of the [gemwin] will be 97fps - regardless of what framerate you requested for the [gemwin] (via argument, or via the [frame( message). (pick *your* actual screen refresh rate). also, if the screen framerate is not an integer multiple of your chosen Gem-framerate, you might get weird resampling artifacts in the render timing.
however, the only operations affected by this are openGL operations. these include all objects that draw to the screen (e.g. [square]), or manipulate the drawings (e.g. [rotate]) or the framebuffer ([gemframebuffer], [glsl_program], [pix_texture])
on the other side, objects that do not interact with the openGL engine, are not directly affected. most importantly, grabbing image data ([pix_image], [pix_video],...), storing image data ([pix_buffer...]) and manipulating image data ([pix_gain], [pix_kaleidoscope], [pix_multiblob],...) has nothing to do with openGL and is therefore unaffected by sync-to-vblank.
at least in theory. because when running a normal Gem-patch, the [pix_...] objects are driven (aka: triggered) by [gemwin], which (as it interacts with the openGL engine) is bound by sync-to-vblank.
however: if (and only if) you have a [gemhead] that is only triggering non-openGL objects (e.g. *only* [pix_...]es), then you can manually trigger *this* gem-chain via a [metro], running at an arbitrary rate. (you should turn off the automatic-triggering of this [gemhead] by sending it a "0"),
I found something on the forum but not sure if it does the job for me.
i found something in my washbasin, but i don't know how much i can charge for it.
hgmasd rIOhannes