Yeah, I'm not getting much joy from that either :/ But it's still instructive to follow your implementation from fft. There is actually a [hilbert~] unit available, which is why I am interested.
I figured out why the error signal was wrong on the hilbert_test patch. I was computing the error between the original signal, when the output was delayed from that by ~1024 samples.
So, now the error is computed in the right place, and you can see the difference.
I also figured out there are some definite effects of the block size on how well the patch performs on low frequencies. I've modified the transform to use an overlap factor of 8 which seems to help (everything above 20 Hz looks pretty good anyway), and (the part of this patch that was intended to demonstrate) when you mess with the phase inlet of [osc~] you can see that the hilbert transform does in fact trace the phase discontinuities very well.
I came back to this idea, because I wondered if I could make a phase vocorder out of it somehow. With the phase / amplitude decomposition, you could differentiate the phase to get instantaneous frequency, multiply by a signal (representing the frequency ratio to stretch by), and integrate the result to get the new phase, [wrap~] it up (or not), feed it back to [cosine~] and multiply by amplitude