On Wed, 15 Aug 2001, Rory Walsh wrote:
Okay I'm having problems recompiling choice.c, I'm trying to compile it in Dos but it keeps saying choice.c up to date, I renamed the choice.dll file as i thought this might be the reason it keeps saying choice.c up to date but this did not help. I'm new to this so I'm can safely say that I'm probably doing something wrong! When I try compiling it in VC++ in windows I keep getting loads of linking problems. How do I stop the compiler from thinking choice.c is up to date? Thanks for the help!
ok. to compile in the dos-window, you should use the "nmake" command instead of "make" (but i guess you got this ?) run "nmake clean" before trying to recompile alternatively you can delete the *.obj files (they are used to test, whether your *.c files have been already compiled)
when trying to recompile from within vc++ you obviously try to create a *.exe file (as you indicated in a prior mail). this is wrong ! when creating a new project, you will have to make a "dynamic runtime library (dll)". you might want to have a look at the vc-project from zexy (yeah!)
mfg.cds.rt IOhannes
regards, Rory.
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