On Sep 16, 2009, at 7:46 PM, András Murányi wrote:
BTW, I have a dream which is that the console is tabbed, and the
default tab displays system messages, while for each [print
PREFIX] a new tab is opened. That way messages get separated by
PREFIX. It's just a silly dream, forget it ;opTabs in the Pd window would be very nice indeed. Someone just
needs to code it. :-D .hcI made up the tabs, but I don't want to brute-regex every message
so I need to catch where [print] generates user-made messages.OK... It seems it is well buried in the C side. If I'm right, user messages are composed by print_anything() in x_interface.c which gives post() a single string which calls dopost() which finally calls pdtk_post in pdwindows.tcl. I see no much chance to supply additional information to the tcl
side, do you?
Great start! Tcl's a bit weird, but you can do a lot with a few lines
of code.
Sounds like you got it right. I think you'll have to brute regex it
in pdtk_post for this idea to work. But since its a plugin, I think
its ok if its a bit heavy since it can be easily disabled.
I think the easiest thing to do here would be to create your
own ::pdwindow::pdtk_post and then use the 'rename' command to swap
yours in for the standard one.
Man has survived hitherto because he was too ignorant to know how to
realize his wishes. Now that he can realize them, he must either
change them, or perish. -William Carlos Williams