i have 2 USB Range Extenders from ATEN (Model UE-250) which you can use up to 4 times in one row, which means a maximum length of ~= 25m and they work fine for me. So far i used mainly Webcams (Logitech C200/Philipps SPC1330).
On the other Hand i was able to use a rather old Logitech Webcam Chat with 3 usb-cables (just plugs and cords), total length of 8m, without problems... which would be the cheapest solution :)
On 01.03.2011 15:31, Dario Pedrioli wrote:
Hi list,
this is a bit OT but I trust in this list, so I ask here.
I need an USB extender to plug a PS3 Eye webcam to my pc from 5/10 meters (or better more)
Someone have hints or wonderful solutions?
Note that I've used an analog cam with baluns and CAT5 cable with great success (25 meters with no problems - many thanks to David Kirkpatrick for his specs on the thread "Pd/GEM and camera for tracking" Sat, 7 Mar 2009 16:18:41) but for budget and framerate reasons I'm triyng with PS3 Eye and USB
Ciao, Dario
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