Alexandre Bräutigam wrote:
Hi there! I'm using a simple sfplay patch to play a wav's sample. The open message box is: [ open pedra1.wav l ] because the pd file and this sound file are in the same directory. Using this patch in a XP computer, it works. When I try to do the same in a macbook, we hear no sound and everytime I bang the open message box, it says: "error: sfplay: can't open pedra1.wav" What's wrong?
why would you use [sfplay] when there is [readsf~]? the latter is an external which has not been updated in years, the former is a often-used object in Pd-vanilla (and will thus work on pretty much any Pd installation you will find over the world)
fgam,sdr IOhannes
Does mac's pd needs some extra information on that open box? I'm using pd-extended 0.40.3 on both.