If you can't install the included pd-settings.reg, then you'll have to use a .bat file. I can't think of any way around that, unfortunately.
You could use the pure:dyne LiveCD if those machines let you boot from the CDROM drive.Try double-clicking the included pd-settings.reg and see if it let's you. It should install into the user's preferences, so most machines allow write access to that, even when they are locked down.
ok, i will try this as well. thanks. I was told there are some windows apps that allow to create standalone applications from applications which are not standalone like photoshop etc... but i guess this case is different.
On Mar 31, 2008, at 8:30 AM, altern wrote:
I am going to teach a short intro to PD at a uni where it is really difficult to get permission to install applications on the computers.
is there a way to have pd extended to fully work on a windows machine without running the installer? I need it to load the externals on startup, this is important.
I tried copying it from my machine but it does not load the externals i need and i cannot introduce them manually into the startup because i dont have permissions to mess with the registry. I could run PD from a bat file but i dont like this solution, the windows console pops up and experience tells me this is scary for this students.
is there any simple solution to this?
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