Let's try that again, some mystery thing triggered a premature send. Are you sure you're reading that correctly? this is what it should look like:
/etc/alternatives/pd -> /usr/bin/pd-extended /etc/alternatives/pd.1.gz -> /usr/share/man/man1/pd-extended.1.gz /etc/alternatives/pdextended -> /usr/bin/pd-extended /etc/alternatives/pdextended.1.gz -> /usr/share/man/man1/pd-extended.1.gz
There is a - there, i.e. pdextended vs pd-extended
On 02/07/2013 03:58 PM, Julian Brooks wrote:
Hi all,
Reinstalled Pd-extended again yesterday from most recent debian wheezy 64b and now typing pd on command line open pd-extended.
Looking in /usr/bin/pd - when highlighting pd there's a link to /etc/alternatives/pd /etc/alternatives/pd when highlighted has a link to /usr/bin/pd-extended?
Slightly weirdly /usr/bin/pd-extended has a link to /etc/alternatives/pd-extended /etc/alternatives/pd-extended is then linked back to /usr/bin/pd-extended? Or is that supposed to happen?
Anyways - I would like pd back to pd please so how would I go about that?
BTW - Still got this bloody 'ALSA output error (broken pipe)' thing.
One thing at a time though eh?
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