apparently the color scheme gets renewed when Tk "grabs" a window. if I
change the scheme, and also something in the patch, when I try to close
and pd asks to discard changes the color scheme gets updated (but only in
the window that was "activated"). I guess it might be possible to include
a message in sys_gui to bang the windows after a colorscheme message? or
maybe to all open windows?
On May 15, 2008, at 2:17 AM, João Pais wrote:
A couple of weeks ago we also taked about the possibility of having user-defined color themes. I think that could be quite interesting, because you could have a brighter theme to work at home, a darker for concert/performance, etc. etc. Hans told us where to find the color scheme, but I didn't find the Tk color codes yet (ok, I tried a bit, but not too much). A small applet to define the pd-colors would be great, but that's already too much to ask, there are probably more important stuff first.
Sounds useful, patches welcome!
actually, if these settings could be controlled by pd itself, it would be quite easy to make a patch to manage these issues. or then just implement it on the interface's menus, maybe it makes more sense with the current pd structure.
you are exactly right, and luckily, it's already possible: