On 05/10/12 11:55, Pierre Massat wrote:
Dear List,
How would you go about recording the audio output of a Pd patch directly to mp3 (or any other compressed format actually), without using the object from the Unauthorized library ? Would it be feasible to use the [shell] object with a script using ffmpeg or LAME ? I don't really know whether there would be serious timing uses, who to use those for recording a stream instead of a file, how to send Pd's audio out...
use jack and ecasound?
gstreamer objects for pd?
hacky way might work: writesf~ in raw (headerless mode) mkfifo foo.raw (read mkfifo manual) lame foo.raw (if it accepts raw input) careful with deadlocks/SIGPIPE
I could always record to wav and run a script afterwards to compress and delete the original file, but i'd rather have something more direct.
i tend to record in 32bit wav (-bytes 4) to avoid any clipping, then remove dc/normalize/convert later. i tend to hoard things, though...
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