On Tue, 1 Oct 2002 18:21:03 -0500 "Matt Alford" matt@friendlycommunity.net wrote: How could
I figure out the number of samples in my particular sample?
use [soundfiler] to load the sample. The outlet of soundfiler reports the length of your file in samples. when using '-resize' flag to read a file into an array with soundfiler it will resize the array appropriately.
In the notes is says the "magical" numbers are 75789 107.41 and 1218.57.
75789 is the length of the soundfile. 107.41 is the length of a 1/16 of the file in msec (75789/16/44.1=107.41).
1718.57 is the length of the same soundfile in msec (75789/44.1 = 1718.57)
How could I come up with these? Any help is appreciated.