Macbook 4.1 Intel Core Duo, OSX 10.5.8 on this machine i cannot use Deken.
i compiled Pd-0.48-0test6.src. starting pd gives the following error:
UNHANDLED ERROR: syntax error in expression "True": variable references require preceding $ ("for" test expression) while compiling "for {set i 0} {True} {incr i} { set tmpfile [file join ${path} dekentmp.${i}] if {![file exists $tmpfile]} { return $tmpfi..." (compiling body of proc "::deken::get_tmpfilename", line 2) invoked from within "::deken::get_tmpfilename $p" (procedure "::deken::get_writable_dir" line 5) invoked from within "::deken::get_writable_dir [list $::deken::installpath ] " (procedure "::deken::find_installpath" line 5) invoked from within "::deken::find_installpath" invoked from within "if { [::deken::versioncheck 0.2.3] } {
namespace eval ::deken:: { namespace export open_searchui variable mytoplevelref variable platform..." ("uplevel" body line 62) invoked from within "uplevel #0 $tclcode" FAILED TO LOAD /Users/rolfmeesters/Desktop/pd-0.48-0test6/tcl/pd_deken.tcl
what can i do?