Thank you very much.
It does make sense to use it from 0 to 15, just like counters in C.
I'll try it tonight.
Thanks again!
Daniel Almeida
--- On Mon, 9/29/08, Frank Barknecht wrote:
From: Frank Barknecht Subject: Re: [PD] First post - bang to float conversion To: Date: Monday, September 29, 2008, 2:59 PM Hallo, Daniel Almeida hat gesagt: // Daniel Almeida wrote:
this is my first post on the list. I'm a beginner
on Pure data. Just
had a workshop on MAX and decided to try PD.
Welcome, Daniel!
I'm working on a simple drum machine but I need a
way to convert a
bang into a float. I have a counter that counts from 1
to 16
You maybe want to make your counter count from 0 to 15 later. Why? Because then you can use [mod] to make sub-counters, e.g. one that counts from 0-3 every quarter note using [mod 4]. ([mod] always starts at 0.)
and on each step a select to send me a bang. I want a
way to execute a
sound when I have a bang and the checkbox for that
step is on. I was
thing on using the boolean operator && or the
multiplication to send
another bang to play the sound.
Just use a [float] or [f] object to get a float event. Use the cold, right inlet to set the value of the float to be different from 0. See attachement.
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