I've built a step sequencer that feeds into synth plugins loaded in with vst~.
It seems to be a bit of a defect within vst~ that if I send it a lot of Noteon messages at the exact same time it drops some of them. My work around so far has been to delay the messages by about 2ms or so and it seems to play them fine.
But now I've got multiple tracks of Noteon messages coming into the one plugin loaded into vst~. With all this action happening I can't just delay each track of Noteon/off messages by say, 0ms, 2ms, 4ms, 6ms etc... as sometimes the Noteoff messages get stolen and the number of voices get maxed out and stall the plugin! (and cpu!)
I'm looking for a way to send an object (or an external) a bunch of list messages and for that object to then store them and output them at 2ms intervals in a sort of a queue.
Is there such an object?
As always, Thanks for any help you guys can provide.