2009/4/9 Rich E reakinator@gmail.com
Writing this patch in python with the current format would just be messy. Doing it in JSON or YAML would be straightforward.
Maybe, as more of a proof of concept, a JSON->pd format file converter can be made?
Could be done for a customized CMS for web documentation, something made with some python parsers and a MVC web framework like Django... (Ruby fans will say Ruby on Rails, but you got the idea)...
This could be a good reason to think about a "Puredata_abstraction to JSON"parser, as was discussed in other thread (Pdpedia and random generation )... Since JSON can be parsed even to a RSS format easily... See that? Read new patches docs at the RSS news?
Than also the string issues could be solved editing .pd documentation in text based editors. And even some web based WSIWYG editor that would generate "pd readable" documentation.... :) Could be?