The current help patch for [list] family objects doesn't mention what kind of messages [list] outputs.
I remember reading somewhere (maybe on that for messages consisting of two or more atoms/elements, [list] will output a list, and for empty lists and 1-element messages [list] will output a bang or float/symbol messages, respectively.
But as far as I can tell, [list] doesn't do any conversion at its outlet-- everything it outputs will have the selector "list", and it's up to other objects like [route] to do any conversion they deem necessary.
For example, take the bug with sigbinops:
[put anything you want in this message box(
[+~ ]
error: inlet: expected 'signal' but got 'list'
So I'm guessing that [list append/prepend/split] always output messages with the "list" selector. This would seem consistent with the behavior at the inlets.
Do I have this right?
Thanks, Jonathan