tcl/tk behaves very slowly for fast calls, such as when dragging an array
of considerable size, or a big group of objects? afaik this is something
that could be improved in the present platform, but how better could it be
when using another gui framework?
It might be a good idea to list the problems with tcl/tk so we can weigh
them against the difficulty of using a different GUI toolkit. The
problems I see are:
difficult to implement a decent zoom function for a canvas
can't display png without the Img library (included in 8.6)
can't do alpha transparency
Of the three I listed, I'm mostly interested in the first as it means
that (without prior planning) it's hard to take a patch you've been
working on at font size 10 and display it adequately over a projector,
for example. (If there's a work around I'd like to know it.) I'd like to hear others, but I'm mostly interested in problems with
tcl/tk >= 8.5 as the GUI.