On 08.11.18 15:42, Max wrote:
Also Radioknopf is wrong, since "Radioschalter" but "Radiobutton" is anyway german ( https://de.wiktionary.org/wiki/Radiobutton )
Very interesting, TIL. I would suggest "Optionsknopf, Auswahlschalter" or something similar. The original Radiobutton where you select the band FM / SW / LW (UKW / KW / LW) is only known to people who had such Radio and this reference is dying out. (At least for German, I don't know this is for English speakers)
none of them ring with me. both "knopf" and "schalter" evoke quite specific images in my head, none of which match with what you actually get (and "radiobutton" does neither)
Very bad is "Feld" for array and "arbeitsfläche" for canvas, since array is a data type and Arbeitsfläche means Desktop normally
i don't think this helps. while the word "Feld" for the datatype might exist, i don't think it has any practical relevance. as wikipedia puts it (quoting a tutorial on C): „Der englische und gängigere Begriff für Feld ist Array“.
Is Leinwand better for Canvas?
no. it's just wrong, just like "Sackleinen", "Ringboden" and "Stramin" (wtf?). dict.cc also lists "Kanevas" (which would be a nice weirdo word that's closely related to english original) or (surprise) "Canvas" as possible translations of "canvas".
fgksdr )=uajjes