Thanks Claude, excellent solution. Wasn't aware of the idea of a binary message stream.
Thanks Dan Wilcox for the abstraction library links.
On Mar 9, 2016, at 3:48 AM, wrote:
On 08/03/16 16:25, jlistshit wrote:
Hi everyone, this is my first post here. I'm a composer from Berlin.
This question might have been asked before: In PD vanilla: How can i detect jumps from negative to positive values in an array?
I am using until with tabread, and just that little bit of porcessing, which gives me a bang or a 1, when the phase changes, is missing.
Any insight appreciated and thank you in advance.
If you want the challenge and satisfaction of working it out for yourself, don't look at the attached solution. A few hints:
a binary 0/1 message stream makes detecting transitions easier
[t f f] with crossed wires can act as a one-float-message delay line
you can use the cold right inlet of an object to store a value for later