jfm3 hat gesagt: // jfm3 wrote:
There are LADSPA plugins for many of the csound opcodes. I'm pretty sure buzz and gbuzz are in there.
Now that you said it, it dug out my old q2ladspa distribution, which indeed also tried a port of ugens4 and the included buzz opcode. Unfortunatley I cannot get this to work as a LADSPA plugin. Compilation of q2ladspa yields a lot of errors and although some opcodes work, ugens4 does not. I cannot find a new version of q2ladspa, even the link on www.ladspa.org is broken.
Krzysztof, q2ladspa is a try to semi-automatically generate code out of the Csound opcodes, like you suggested. Paul Barton-Davis seemingly did a lot of work to make Csound parseable, maybe that could be helpful for PD now.
Regarding this csound~ object available for Max/MSP, I'm not sure if that would be that helpful. As I said, I miss some opcodes, but really I don't miss orc+sco files, no I don't.
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