An enhanced version of Gem abstraction [text3d_ml]...
Added : clear message : to clear text replace message : to replace a line at a certain position add message : to add a line at the end of the text
Now [text3d_ml] returns the number of lines.
If needed for people using a pd version < 0.46, it should not be difficult to change [text] with [textfile] or [msgfile] (zexy) and [list fromsymbol] with [any2bytes] (moocow). ++
Le 17/06/2015 11:51, Jack a écrit :
Here a final version of [text3d_ml]. Should be faster and without error. ++
Le 16/06/2015 22:38, Jack a écrit :
Yes, you need Pd 0.46.0 minimum, for [list fromsymbol], [list tosymbol] and [text] familly objects used in this abstraction. ++
Le 16/06/2015 16:26, IOhannes m zmölnig a écrit :
On 06/16/2015 04:06 PM, Philippe Boisnard wrote:
I haven't list from symbol.... (last vanilla ...)
it's called [list fromsymbol] (without the space between 'from' and 'symbol') and it is included in Pd-vanilla since 0.46-0.
most likely you don't have "last vanilla" (which is 0.46-6).
fgmards IOhannes
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