Questions answered in line:
On 10/22/05, josue moreno wrote:
Hi list,
sorry for this basic question, im trying to add externals to my 0.37 version of Pd runing in a Mac OS X 10.3.9 G4
I have to put in the comand line (-lib xsample) but it doesnt work. Maybe i didnt copy the folder in a properly place.
Can anybody explain me step by step how can i do that?
Well, the easiest thing would be to copy the external *.pd_darwin file into your /path/to/pd/etra folder, which is always included in the path. Otherwise, in your home directory's .pdrc file, add the line -path /path/to/the/external for whatever external you want.
Ive got another two questions:
- my trouble in Max with externals is that i dont know exactly what
externals ive got(only know the objects if i go to the folders and read the documentation) .Is there a way to know the objects and the main function?(im looking for something like ctrl-click on the canvas and help that works in the distributed version)
Your best bet is to check the info at the pure database ( which I rarely use, so don't blame me if it's outdated or something, or the individual documentation of each external. Some, like zexy provide ways of getting this information in Pd, but it is up to the programmer of each external to provide this stuff. Also the help files are the best way to learn how to use an external, provided the help file exists!
- How can i take a patcher that somebody puted on the web as text and load
in my computer?
Also, to copy a text of a patch and 'convert' it, just copy the text into a file with textedit, then save it with an appropriate name. Then you can just click on the file, hit return, and edit the name so it ends with '.pd'. This can also be done through the command line with the command: mv file.txt file.pd
Sorry but im a very beginer.....
Thanks a lot.
Don't feel bad, no one's born knowing dataflow programming! (((())))(()()((((((((()())))()(((((((())()()())()))) (())))))(()))))))))))))(((((((((((()()))))))))((()))) ))(((((((((((())))())))))))))))))))__________ _____())))))(((((((((((((()))))))))))_______ ((((((())))))))))))((((((((000)))oOOOOOO