Jonathan Goodwin a écrit :
Alexandre, this looks like it will be really useful, but I can't get it to work.
It works in the example patch, and if I run my patch and the example patch at the same time then it works. But if I copy the main [pix_sanp2tex] mechanisms to my patch it doesn't work. The only difference is I'm not trying to draw any geos like spheres like in the example.
I'm trying to grab images from my webcam. I'm guessing I may need to implement some kind of buffer setup, but I'm struggling to understand how that works. What does the help file mean when it speaks of the 'index of the frame in the buffer'?
First, the geo on which you draw the snap texture has to be visible : not hidden. Check its z translation value and/or the apha value of the things over it. I like to put it over the rest but with a [alpha 1] and [color 1 0 1 0.8] for instance.
This objects outputs a snapshot of the Gem window on every bang it receives. Maybe you dont want to bang it on every frame. Look for [metro] or [speedlim]. Look also your frame rate. Maybe you are looking for the Gem object [pix_buffer] which I don't master yet.