Hey Alex
On Thu, 2020-12-31 at 18:19 -0300, Alexandre Torres Porres wrote:
Hi, we all know Pd Extended had that nice feature of sharing your patch as an app, could that be available for Vanilla as a plugin?
Maybe the answer is in your subject line? When I read it, I thought you were talking about the mac/osx-app.sh script that creates the Pd.app and is invoked by the very 'make app' command. I don't know how Pd- extended did it, but considering there is already a script able to build an app, I'd start from there. It even contains the commands to code-sign the result.
I made a netpd.app that is basically a Pd.app containing patches and externals. I use kiosk-plugin to disable menus and Pd-console. I modified pd-gui.tcl to load the main patch automatically. If interested, have a look at:
https://www.netpd.org/software/netpd-2.2.1_macos.dmg (for macOS) https://www.netpd.org/software/netpd-2.2.1_windows.zip (for Windows)
I just put together the pieces, it's all based on the hard work of Dan Wilcox. Thanks for that!