a cord has no explicit id. however, you can identify it if you know the id of the objects it connects.
doesn't a cord has an explicit id in the pd file, like "#X connect 102 0 79 0;"? in fact, it would be nice to display these numbers (or the coordenates of objects) when someone is trying to do dynamic patching, for example.
anyhow, if you want to change the data flow for messages(!), you should be able to do anything you want with [spigot] and friends, with less impact on the performance of Pd.
exactly, maybe you don't need a cord. you can also use [route tag1 tag2 ...] with tags for the different states.
amount of time and conditions... Out of this conditions, and just when "starting" the patch, the "bomb" should be released and the patch should be as destroyed and unusable as possible...
what leads me to the conclussion that I don´t need to know the id of an specific cord when I can disconnect all !!..
but anyway. I find practic to know the id of the cords to experiment w dynamic & generative stuff..
[thanks!] for the help and sorry for my bad skills editing e-mail...