Hi Niklas,
I have already implemented exactly what you have described as an external called 'spectonote' written in C. It can be found at www.postlude.co.uk/download.
I apologise profusely for not announcing this properly on the list, and adding it to the pdb (which I have now done). The code can be implemented very easily in vanilla pd, so I assumed no-one would be interested. Obviously I was wrong.
I should also change the name to fton (frequency to note) to fit in with convention.
On Thu, 2004-11-25 at 13:29, Niklas Saers wrote:
Hi Mathieu,
Mathieu Bouchard wrote:
Candid question: what's the advantage of that over the builtin [mtof] class?...
Mea culpa, I have not used expr much, so when I copied your example below into Pd I got "no such var 'fl'" when using ftom (I expected this was what you wanted as the idea was going from a frequency to a number representation of the note). Using motf I get a syntax error.
The advantage of the implementation is that it really makes it easy to make other scales. Most litterature on tempered scales I've read starts with the equal tempered scale and says how many cent certain tones deviate from the equal tempered scale. Thus, with this basis it's rather simple to make a meantone, werkmeister, valotti, kirnberger and other scales. That's where I'm heading next. (just need to dig up the books again and get an exam passed) :-)
Would you check if your solution described below works and possibly send me a Pd file with it? I'd really like to try it out. Performance-wise I'm not very happy with the Python implementation as I find it too slow for real-time use and need to make it less responsive by use of a metro or similar for my hardware, so I'm considering rewriting it in C.
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