attached is
to extract original samplerate of wavefile with the new list from/to symbol. Also the math and c code for the DSP cookbook filters. You can see all the original reference I had in the document. for the filters. I can hardly understand how the thing works at the moment, that information is way back in my head somewhere. 2) noisybox-l_bp.pd - bandpass, lowpass, and hipass DSP cookbook filters in fexpr~ , I learned how to convert my c code to an fexpr~ after seeing the how it was done at
vocoder.cpp was used to vocode my voice on "Strip Job Grease" way back in the 90s when it was impossible to use 19 filters in realtime, it can be found here. I think it was also used for "Bead Girl".
Anyways, I'm thinking I might be able to do the same thing with the moog looking at Miller's text and code. What about the TB-303 and EMS?