You can use 'writesf' to record PD's sounds to the hardisk, they can be played back using 'readsf'. The difference between a patch and an external is that an external is a PD object, such as 'metro' or 'dac~' which has been compiled as a dll, you can then link Pd to this dll when you startup and Pd see's this object as one of its own. A patch is simply the window in which you connect all your objects together with patch cords, its called a 'patch' because it resembles the way old analogue synths worked, in that one would patch modules together with patch cords to create different synthesis techniques. Any enjoy the software, right clicking on the object mentioned above should give you help files on them.
regards, Rory.
--- Shintaro Miyazaki wrote: > Hi everybody
I just downloaded the installer for OSX from
and started to learn PD. So far I am playing around with several downloaded patches. I am still standing before a huge amount of trees...
I wanted to ask if I can record the soundout of PD to aif or wav onto my harddisk? Can I do that with "Audio Hijack?" Or is there another possibilty? Maybe I just need anthoer patch????? And whats the difference between patch and external???
sorry for the stupid questions.
cheers shintaro miyazaki
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