Hi All,
I would like to pledge $100 AU (roughly 61EU, 48GBP, 94USD) for someone to re-implement the [freeverb~] external as an efficient pure-pd abstraction which I can include in my s-abstractions collection. I just love the sound of that particular reverb and it really ticks me off that I can't distribute it as part of s-abstractions. You don't have to make it GOPified or anything; a patch that has the audible characteristics of Freeverb, and has the same editable parameters is just fine - I will do the work of tailoring it for s-abstractions. There is a whole heap of info out there on the net about Freeverb and its implementation to help you, including an external which is in the repository. It might even be easiest just to look at the source of the external in order to turn it into an abstraction. Of course you will also be credited in the final patch. The [jon~] reverb just posted by Anton is a perfect example of what I'm looking for in terms of layout, help-patch, and functionality, except with the freeverb characteristics and parameters.
Any takers?